So the Gallery is oficially OPEN!!!! Big thanks to Stormy, who send me a LOT of pics ^^ and has promised some more :P

Right now is and internal gallery, but maybe we should start a external one. What do you think?

To answer that question and some more, I put some polls. Please, vote, that's the best way to improve the site! You can also send any other suggestion via comment (click on the "[x] jewels" link, at the top of every post, to send a comment)

Right now, we have this open polls:

Video format
I would like to know which video format do you rather (AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV or any other) in order to upload all the videos in that format. This poll ends on 30/03/11 at 23.59 (uploads will start on April)

Other Stuff
Maybe have a forum, a chat, an esternal gallery or a guestbook will be nice, but all of them need people who participate. So, what do you prefer? You can choose as many things as you want ^^ This poll  ends on 31/03/11 at 23.59

Miss Jewel 2012
The firts contest :P Choose the most beautiful girl on the show to crown her as Miss Jewel 2012. The winner will be the main character of next year's graphic (such as banners, buttons, avatars... maybe the layout of the site :P) This poll ends on 31/12/11 at 23.59

Mister Jewel 2012
Same as the other, but with the guys :P Same "price" and conditions. Ends also on 31/12/11 at 23.59

Best Partner 2012
Same as Miss and Mister 2012 :P Of course, ends on 31/12/11 at 23.59 

- Results of Miss and Mister Jewel and Best Partner will be announced the first weekend after New Year (need some time to make the graphics :P)
 - After the election of Miss and Mister Jewel and Best Partner, the first and second characters of all three categories will "fight" for "Best Character of 2012"This poll will be opened between 02/01/12 to 31/01/12

And PLEASE pass the blog's link to ALL your friends. We need visitors ;)

0 jewels:

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Which video format do you rather?

Would you like some of this? (Mark all you want)

Mister Jewel 2012

Miss Jewel 2012

Best Partner 2012


If you like this site, please, donate something to help us. You can choose the amount, from 0.01€ to what you want. We don't ask for big donations, just want what you think it's OK. The donations will be destined to the maitenance of some stuff, like premium accounts on hosting sites. You don't have to donate, if you don't want, but help us will be kinda cute :) Thanks to all!
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